Tuesday, October 4, 2011

[CE] Obama bin Laden

I just found this interesting news post.
     Obama administration contends release would harm national security in response to freedom of information request.
      Obama thinks that releasing the pictures of bin Laden after he was killed would damage national security and lead to attacks on the US.  It is said that the CIA found 52 photographs and videos of what happened the day he was killed.  Some argue that now revealing the pictures is a "political decision" and goes against the laws of freedom of information.  The Navy SEAL team that carried out the assault on bin Laden said that if the photos were released, it could put them in danger because they would be more easily recognized by enemy troops.  One man from the CIA said the photos might be too "graphic".
     I strongly feel that the photos and videos should be released.  So far, there has been no hard evidence that bin Laden was even killed.  The only people that were there was the Navy SEAL team that killed him.  They held a burial at sea for bin Laden instead of taking hid body back to the US.  The photos are the only real proof that he was actually killed.  Furthermore, I don't think that releasing the pictures would endanger anyone.  If terrorists know bin Laden is dead, then I don't think knowing the US showed pictures of his death would make them any more angry.  As for the Navy SEAL team, Obama could at least just release pictures of only bin Laden, and not the troops to ensure their safety and hide their identity.  Obama should just give the people what they want and show everyone the photos of bin Laden.

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