Wednesday, October 5, 2011

[Free] Breakfast

     What do you guys eat for breakfast and how oftem?  I only eat breakfast on weekends.  I know i should be eating breakfast every day, but I just don't have time.  Lately, I have been going to bed really late because I have had so much homework.  Because of this, I wake up late and don't have time to eat breakfast before school.  Some of my favorite things to eat for breakfast are bacon, eggs, and cereal.
     Bacon.  Who doesn;t like bacon.  A crispy, meaty, stick of tastiness thats perfect in the morning.  It is an iconic item in breakfast places everywhere.  Bacon is eaten in many countries all around the world.  In a diner, or at home, bacon is the perfect breakfast food.  My mom makes eggs all the time.  Here favorite kind it scrambled eggs with chinese sausage.  While my mom's eggs are sweet and a little spicy, my dad's eggs are a little spicy and hard.  I greatly perfer my mom's eggs.  Another thing she likes to make are runny fried eggs that go great with toast. 
     Ahh...cereal.  Possibly the most eaten food ever for breakfast.  There is such a wide variety of cereal.  I just love it.  Some of my favorites are Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, and Cap't Crunch.  Although these are super sugary, sweet cereal, i also like the plain Corn Flakes.  I used to eat Corn Flakes all the time whenever I went over to my grandparents house.  On a regular basis, i would never drink milk.  However, I drink a ton of it when im eating cereal.  Breakfast is a great meal and I can see why people say its the most important meal of the day.

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