Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Hero or Villain?

This is an interesting news story.
At least eight people killed in hair salon near Los Angeles by man described as a former member of the armed forces.
     A man walks in a Seal Beach hair salon and opens fire on everyone in the salon.  Eight people were killed and others were injured.  This man is said to formally be part of the US armed forces.  Fortunately, the suspect, a forty two year old man, was apprehended by the authorities a few miles from the salon.  The local media reports say that the man was carrying multiple weapons and wearing full body armour when he attacked.  A witness said the man told the police he had rifles in his car and a knife in each of his pockets.  People believe that the reason for the murders is that the killer was in the middle of a custody battle with his former wife.  According to colleagues, the wife was an emplyee in the salon.  Sergeant Bteve Bowles from the Seal Beach Police Department states "We do feel confident at this point that we do have the single and only suspect in custody."
     I am always so sad to hear stories like these.  I don't see why so many innocent people always have to die.  What was wrong with this guy?  I mean, he was in the armed forces.  These people are supposed to be the heroes of our country.  The most respectable people there are.  But not this man.  He is a straight up villain.  Furthermore, this shooting was completely illogical.  The report does not say if he actually killed his ex wife or not, but what would that even accomplish?  He is going to go to jail so he won't get custody of his child.  All this man did was guarantee the custody to the ex wife.

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