Friday, October 14, 2011

[RE] Out of this World

I found this quote from Nick's blog.
All I want to do is hurt and kill people, but I'm not even mad at the moment. I don't like this feeling.
     I have been really interested in Nick's series of free posts lately.  I always look foward to the story he is going to write next.  Nick's free posts have been about different characters who stronlgy feel the need to kill.  However, they are kind of confusing.  For example, in your most recent post, Bellintelia, what is the main character? I just feel that you need better charcter development, even though it is just a short post.
     In Bellintalia, the main character is Bellamy.  Oh, by the way, what's up with your choice of names?  Bellamy, Iteria, Caterina.  They are so out there and weird.  Well anyways, back to the story.  I am assuming that Bellamy is not a human, but if he is, it is in a futuristic environment.  In the start of the second paragraph, Nick says that Bellamy is able to teleport right outside of Iteria's house, then directly inside it.  This portrays that either Bellamy is an alien with teleportation powers,  or that he is a futuristic human who had technology that allows him to teleport.  However, later in the story, Nick states that Bellamy's weaposin if choice is a knife, and that he is using an ipod.  These seem really old fashioned compared to the fact that Bellamy can teleport.
     Nick's stories are interesting, but they are pretty gory and graphic.  He describes how Bellamy teleports behind Iteria's dad, stabs him several times in the skull, then finishes with a stab to the throat.  A little overkill in my opinion.  Next, Bellamy grabs a lighter and burnd Iteria's mom's face in various places, stomps on her ankles, then beats her in the skull with a lamp.  Then, he goes to Iteria, picks her up by only the neck, then throws her back on her bed.  This next part I dont get.  Bellamy teleports to the kitchen, gets another knife, then kills himself.  Why did this happen? I dont know, but these scenes kinda creep me out.  Though I am looking foward to Nick's next free post.

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