Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[CE] Quake

I just found this interesting news story.
Hundreds more feared dead after quake strikes the eastern Van province, causing buildings to collapse.
     An earthquake with a 7.2 magnitude hit Eastern Turkey.  It is estimated that around two hundred people died or were injured because of it.  Almost fifty buildings collapsed in the cities of Van and Ercis.  Helicopters were dispatched to scout out the remote villages in the area. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the village of Tabanli.  Rescuers worked hard to rescue everyone who was trapped.  Some families even tried to dig out their loved ones with their bare hands.  In Van, it is said that at least fifty people had to be taken to the hospital.  In Ercis, an entire dormitory fell because it was standing on a geological fault line.  There were also a few aftershocks after the initial earthquake.
     This story is very relevant to me. Living in California, there is always the danger of an earthquake going off at anytime.  Alameda is pretty close to the San Andreas Fault, where a lot of earthquakes occur.  Just last Friday, two earthquakes happened in one day.  They went off only about six hours apart.  My dad said that many small earthquakes is a sign that a very big one is on its way soon.  I really feel bad for the people in that area of Turkey.  I can't imagine what I would do if an earthquake that strong went of near me.  Knowing that an entire dormitory could be taken down from an earthquake really scares me.  Most of the day, I am in school, so if an earthquake did go off, I would most likely be in school, so I hope it's sturdy enough.

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