Tuesday, October 11, 2011

[BC] The Words of Jobs

     I agree with this quote to a great extent.  I get what he is saying when he states "help me make the big choices in life."  People should live their life to the fullest and make good choices so that when their time comes, they have no regrets.  Steve Jobs had cancer so he knew that he would die soon.  I feel that Steve Jobs made decisions that made him happy and made the rest of his life worth while.  Recently, Steve Jobs knew that he could no longer handle the job of being CEO for Apple, so he quit and passed the job to someone more capable.  "Because almost everything- all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure- these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important."  I completely agree with this quote.  People may live their entire life just trying to live up to expectations and never fail, or always maintain their pride and never be embarrassed, but what does i all account to?  Are people like this really happy?  People can not ever find true happiness if they are always trying to be what other people want them to be.  "There is no reason not to follow your heart."  This quote is exactly what I am trying to say.  People should just live their life doing what they love and what makes them happy.  If people think about how they are eventually going to die and let go of all their worldly concerns, they can truly be happy.
     If I started to follow this advice tomorrow, I would learn a lot about myself.  First of all, I am way too stressed out all the time. I spend too much time worrying about school, doing homework and getting good grades.  Also, I should stop thinking so much about how other people think of me.  I try to act perfect in front of people, but that's not possible.  Everyone has flaws and they are bound to show.  The people i hang out with should accept me for who who I am, and if they don't, then I should not be hanging out with them.  I would learn to accept myself and let go of all my worries.
     Advice that I would give to people about how to "make the big choices in life" is to just live your life.  Do whatever makes you happy and don't worry about what everyone else thinks about you.  When you are faced with a big decision, just go with your gut and follow your heart.  If you follow this, there is no way that you will make the wrong decision.  Steve Jobs quotes " Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose."  Don't just always think about the consequences of your decisions.  In the end, nothing even matters when you die.  Live life in the present and do not worry about the future.

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