Thursday, October 20, 2011

[CE] Crash

This is an interesting news story.
     Former champion from UK dies from his injuries during a massive 15-car pile-up during Las Vegas Indy 300 race.
     A fifteen car pile up?  I have never heard of anything like that.  Dan Wheldon's car was sent up another car and hit the catch fence that protects the crowd.  Wheldon was only thirty three, and he previously was a series champion and won the Indy 500 in 2005.  Three other drivers were also injured during the crash.  Wheldon did not immediately die from the accident.  He was quickly airlifted to University Medical Centre, but his injuries were two severe.  He died about two hours later.  After hearing of Wheldon's death,  all the other drivers took a commemorable five laps around the track in his honor.  People say that this crash was like a scene out of a movie.  Parts of cars were found nearly halfway down the straightway of the track.  Danica Patrick, a famous driver, said, "It was like a movie scene which they try to make as gnarly as possible.''  Another said that it looked like a scene from a Terminator movie.
      Dan Wheldon was a legend.  It was a horrendous loss for IndyCar racing.  Driving is a very dangerous sport.  The cars are always so close together and one false move or slip, can easily cause an accident like the one that killed Dan Wheldon.  I'm very sad that Wheldon died, but im glad they did the five laps in honor of him.  But, it says in the article that the driviers had to manuver through the debris on the next lap.  So did they continue the race?  Because that would be pretty messed up.  I dont know the rules of racing, but when something like this happens, everyone should stop immediately.  I hope nothing like this ever happens again.

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