Friday, September 30, 2011

[Essay] What Makes us Different?

The Definitive Characteristic of a Human Being is Technology
     There is nothing on the planet that has better technology than human beings.  Humans have a vastly greater mind than animals, which gives them the ability to invent new things everyday that help us with our everyday lives.  We have technological advances in electrical, and non electrical inventions.
     Electricity is the biggest difference between human beings and other living beings on this planet.  Humans started with the simple light bulb, then later made very complicated things like computers and televisions.  Computers are one of the most advanced things we have to date.  They can hold a ton of memory, play games, and surf the web.  The ability to get on the internet introduces the user to and endless supply of knowledge. Televisions help spread knowledge through various shows, and lead the way to other electronics such as DVDs and video games.  Electricity sets us apart from all other beings on Earth.
     With the use of technology, we can complete tasks with ease that would be very troublesome to other animals.  One example is travel.  Some animals, such as elephants, have seasonal migrations up to 60 miles long.  Where as it would take them up to a day to travel that distance, human could travel 60 miles in about an hour using a car.  Cars were a revolutionary invention.  Before cars, people would travel using horses, which were pretty slow, and the horses had to be taken care of.  With the use of cars, we can travel great distances a lot faster than animals.  Many animals live on land and are unable to swim.  They have no way of leaving the island that they live on.  Humans have planes and boats that allow for easy travel around the world.  Also, for close islands, there are bridges that can easily be walked or driven over to get to the other island.  Our means of travel are also a lot safer.  It is pretty rare that a bus full of people would be attacked.  However,  a herd a zebras can easily be attacked by a pack of lions.  Human beings have a lot safer and more efficient means of travel.
     A second example is health.  If humans get hurts or get an infection, they can gop to the hospital and get surgery or medicine to fix the problem.  However, if an animal gets hurt in the wild, they have no way of treating it.  If a lioness breaks a leg, she would have to walk around and take the pain until it heals up.  If she cant walk, she cant hunt, and it could very well lead to her death.  Similarly, if she gets an infection, there is no medicine to stop it, and thats another way she could die.  Humans are also generally cleaner than animals.  We take baths, brush our teeth, and change clothes to keep clean.  Also, we also have clean food and drinks which lowers the risk of disease.  In the wild, food can be left out for a while or infected by bugs before being fully consumed.  Also, water holes could easily be dirty from waste, or just dirt floating in it.  Our health risks are immesely lower then other living beings.
     Technology also give us greater protection, from both weather and other people.  Houses protect us from rain, snow, and heat.  Most houses have heaters for when it's cold and air conditioning for when its hot.  Most other animals, however sleep outside or in a cave.  There is no temperature control and no roof to keep out rain or snow.  Humans also have security systems to keep out possible intruders.  In the wild, if your not paying attention, anything can come into your area.  Our technology keeps us safe.
     Another important way technology has help us is food.  Animals such as storks and nears need to wait and be lucky in order to just catch a single fish.  On the other hands, Humans have boats with which they can go deep out into the ocean.  Using big nets, humans can catch loads and loads of fish in s single day.  In the wild, all food has to be eaten raw.  In modern society, there are stoves, microwaves and spices that allow people to create so many different flavors and dishes that taste so much better than eating it raw.  Human beings also have greater mean of hunting.  Guns enable the user to hunt quickly, and from a long range, unlike animals that have to get close to their prey to kill it and may take multiple hits to take it down.  The way the humans get food are way better than that of animals.
     This brings me into my next topic, guns.  Guns greatly changed the way of humans.  Guns give the ability to kill in an instant.  As said, above, guns help us with hunting, but i feel that it has gone too far.  Ever since they were invented, guns have been used to end conflicts and gain power.  From showdown in the old west to gang battles and wars, guns are used to kill.  Is this really necessary?  I think its crazy.  I have no idea why someone would want to or even have the will to kill another person.  How could they live with themselves for the rest of their life knowing they took the life of someone else.  This is what sets us apart from every other living being out there.  We kill our own kind.  Other animals would never do this.  Sure there are animals that fight for power.  However, the loser accepts his defeat and backs off.  They dont fight to the death like some humans do.  Guns have been a greatly bad influence on human beings.
     The technological advances of human beings is what sets us apart from everythign else.  Humans are the only living beings on Earth that can use electricity.  Electricity and other inventions help us do everyday tasks taht would be very hard without them.  Also, good technology keeps up healthy, or helps us recover our health.  The difinitive characteristic of human beings in technology.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, technology. Who can live without it, these days? and yet, you're right. Sometimes i think it does more harm than good.
