Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RE] Creepy

I like this quote from Calvin's blog.
It was dark, and by dark, I mean REAL dark.  I literally couldn't see my hands in the pitch-black darkness, even though I placed them right in front of my eyes.  The temperature of the room was surprisingly chilly, as the cold sent shivers down my spine.
     I enjoyed reading this story about a man in a dark room.  It was very descriptive and it responded to the promt perfectly.  While I was reading the story, I really felt like I was in the room with the man.  The unique this about this story is that Calvin modeled it after an actual place.  But whats up with that room that you modeled it after?  I thought it would be a nice bedroom or something because you were talking about a dresser.  However, it was an old abandoned kitchen or something.  I was kinda creeped out when I clicked the link and saw that picture.  But all in all it was a nice story.
     The one thing I would criticize is the ending.  I think you told me that you cut it off or something because it was getting too long, but I feel the story would have been a lot better if you expanded on the ending.  " I was a little apprehensive on turning on the lights, since I didn't know where I was, but in the end, I'll have to turn it on anyways."  This was a real cliffhanger.  I kept thinking about what would happen if he did turn on the lights.  Going back to the picture, the fact that it was like all creepy made me think something would pop out or like a booby trap would go off.  So yea, you should maybe do a free post continuing this story?  I would like to read it.  But good job on this story, i look foward to your future posts.

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