Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE] Copycat

     So I was searching through the Al Jazeera videos and i found this one.  Don't hate me for this, but I am not very interested in what is happening around the world.  So when i found this video about electronics and the internet, I immediatly knew I would pick it.  This is the first time I've seen anything about Google+, and it seems like it is exactly like facebook.  I personally, have no intension on switching to Google+.  It seems a lot more like a business site, advertising the ability of conference calls.  Also, I dont like the way that google accounts are controlled.  Ever since Google teamed up (or bought) with Youtube, I have had to switch my Google account every time I transition between Youtube and Blogger.  If Google+ makes me make a new account, it be just be way too much hassle.
     I really don't see the reason why anyone would want to switch to this.  It seems to me like after failing to buy Facebook, Goggle just attempted to make their own.  In the video, the man starts out by saying "it looks like Facebook."  All of the features are pretty much the same, such as pictures, groups, and comments.  Another thing is that Google+ only has 25 million "subscribers."  First of all, what do subscribers mean?  Are they users or people who just think it looks interesting and want updates from it.  If people were to join Google+, they would have to get their friends or collegues to join too, unlike Facebook, which already has 750 million users.  i might be wrong, but I do not think that Google+ will be a success any time soon.

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