Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[BC] Escape

A person is looking for an object in a darkened room

     Once upon a time, there was a young man named Matt.  He was in search for the perfect place to start up his own sauna and hot spring resort.  Unfortunately, another gourp of people had the same idea.  One day, as Matt was hiking along, looking for a hot spring, he was attacked from behind and knocked out. 
     "Hey! Let me go!" Matt screamed as he was dragged down an unknown, dark hallway.  
     He tried to struggle, but the stiff, unbreakable handcuffs restrained him.  The firm grip of a mysterious man forcing him the hall caused Matt to panic.  Where was he being taken?  Matt could faintly see a door in the distance.  He wondered where it led to.  When they reached the door, the man let go and unlocked the two deadbolts on it.  As he threw Matt inside, he said in a deep voice, "Here, you will find the key to your release."
     He looked around, but could not see anything. A large amount of sweat ran down his face and started to dampen his shirt.  The words of the mysterious man kept running through Matt's head.  Why would he be put into a place where we could get free?  Matt knew he had to stop thinking about it and direct his full attention on trying to escape.  His first task, get out of the handcuffs.  Quickly, he made his way to a wall.  He turned around and felt it with his hands.  It was smooth and cold, with a few screws in it.  It must be metal.  Matt scaled the wall, in an attempt to find something useful.  Within a minute, he tripped over a study wooden table and faceplanted on the floor.  Lucky, it was a soft, comfortable carpet.  It was a struggle for Matt to get up without the use of his hands.  He felt aroung the table, it was rough and Matt cringed when a large splinter stuck into his pointer finger.  He quickly pulled it out and could feel his warm blood quickly running down his arm.  Matt searched more and hes extactic when he felt something metal.  It was a key!  Matt immediately tried the key on his handcuffs, but to his dismay, it didn't work.
     It was late, and Matt grew tired.  He had to find a place to sleep for the night.  Continuing to scale the wall, Matt stubbed his toe on something hard.  A ticklish feeling was sent throughout his body and his toe started pulsing.  He inspected the object, and to his amaze, it was a bed!  The bed was soft, and warm; perfect except for the fact that there was not a pillow.  Matt awoke and continued his search.  After finding nothing on the rest of the walls, he slowly made his way to what he figured was the middle of the room.  He heard a dripping sound, like water.  He followed the sound and found the dripping water.  Matt jumped as he tounched it.  The water was burning hot, too hot to drink.  Where was it coming from?  Was it cooking?  Unfortunately, Matt could not smeel and food.  The only smeel was his own body odor whafting throughout the room.  Inteligently, Matt got on his back and gently rolled around so that he would not trip or stub his toe again.  
     After an hour of rolling around, Matt finally ran into something.  It was smooth and wooden.  Felling around, he concluded it was a chest, then later found it had a lock.  A lightbulb immediately lit in Matt's head.  The key!  It must be for this lock.  Matt unlocked the chest and inside was another key!  This time, it did work for his handcuffs.  Matt was free of this bind, but he still had to escape from the room.  He made his way back to the bed and prepared to sleep, ready to get out of the room tomorrow.  The next day, Matt found new life with the use of his hands.  He speedily made his way around the room, searching everywhere.  Reaching up in a corner, he found a shelf with a flashlight on it.  Matt felt that the battery would not last long, so he had to move fast.  Looking around, he could not find any way to escape.  Then he saw it!  the boiling hot water was coming out of an air vent.  Matt now knew how to escape, but he could not figure out how to reach the vent.
     Thinking hard, Matt concluded that his best chance was move the table or the bed.  He went to the bed, but it bolted to the ground, immovable.  The table was not much better.  It was not attached to the floor, but it was immensely heavy.  Matt strained so hard to even move it an inch.  After hours of intense pushing and pulling, he finally got the table under the air vent.  OH NO!  The table is too short.  Matt waves the flashlight around, and then he sees it.  The chest.  It's just big enough to for Matt to reach the vent.  However, right as Matt was about to attempt to open the vent, the flishlight dies.  Again Matt is in complete darkness.  He grabs onto the cover of the vent and pulls as hard as he can.  It comes loose, but when he grabs onto the edge, whe water bunrs his hands.  A stinging felling pulses through his body and his hands start to numb.  Matt powers through the pain and crawls through the vent.  Then he found it.  The source of the water.  It was a hot spring that melted through the vent.  He struggled to make his way out through the super hot springs, but was finally free.  Matt was now able to start up his very successful business and lived happily ever after.  THE END!

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