Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[BC] All About Me

     Hello.  My name is Justin Nguyen.  I was born in Berkeley, and now live in Alameda.  I am fifteen and go to Alameda High School.  My ethnicity is half Vietnamese, one-fourth Filipino, three-sixteenths Spanish, and one-sixteenth German.  My dad is full Vietnamese, and my mom is a mix of Filipino, Spanish, and German.  My dad, his three sisters, two brothers, and my grandparents were forced to leave Vietnam because of the Vietnam War.  They flew to the United States on a US military plane.  My parents met and lived in Hayward before moving to Alameda.
     I am the middle child in my family.  I have an older sister, who is a senior at Alameda High School, a younger brother, who is in seventh grade, and two dogs.  Because my dad has five siblings, I have a lot of cousins.  Every Christmas and Thanksgiving, all of our families get together and have a big party.  Also, every summer, we take a family trip to places such as Hawaii and Mexico.  My favorite family trip was the first time we went to Hawaii.  We went to Maui for my aunt's wedding.  It was one of my first times out of California.  My family rented a giant house that could hold all twenty five of us, equipped with a private pool and a beach not far away. We stayed for a week and all went home happy.  Another really fun trip was when I went to Mexico.  We again rented a big house with a private pool.  However, this house had a beach right in the backyard.  My uncle and me went fishing and i caught my first fish ever.
     I started school when I was 3 at Godfrey Preschool.  The year after I went to Lydecker Preschool, then Amelia Earhart Elementary School.  I stayed at Amelia Earhart from Kindergarten to fifth grade, even though in third grade, I moved to a house closer to Bay Farm.  After Amelia Earhart, I went to Lincoln Middle Scholl, which so far, is my favortie school.  Going to middle school was a big change in pace from elementary school.  It was the first time I had a different teacher for each subject and a free lunch.  As said above, I now go to Alameda High School.  My favorite part of high school is the off-campus lunch.  I can go anywhere around the school such as TapEx, Subway, and sometimes even McDonalds.
     This year in English class, I have many writing goals i wish to accomplish.  The main aspect of my writing I want to improve on is transitions and conclusions.  The ending senteces of my paragraphs and my concluding paragraph were always the weakest of my essays.  Also, in my writing, I would like to be able to write longer, more descriptive sentences with better adjectives, therefore enhanceing my vocabulary.  I want to start writing about sports, especially pro football.  I like to keep up with current trades and who's leading each division,  I'd like to write about them in an analytical way.  I hope you liked learning about me and look foward to my future posts.

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