Thursday, September 8, 2011

[CE] Revenge is a dish best served HOT

I just found this interesting news story
At least 25 people have been killed and several wounded in suicide bombings near a government compound in the Pakistani city of Quetta bordering Afghanistan.
     Al-Qaeda operatives were arrested, and as a result, violent suicide bombings.  The first was a car bomb outside the Deputy Inspector General Frontier Corps residence.  A suicide bomber blew himself up with with the car.  The second bombing was inside a house.  The suicide bomber blew himself up killing many people.  The second bombing took place within five minutes of the first one.  The Taliban took full responsiblity for the attacks.
     I do not see why these bombings were neccesary.  Just because some operatives were arrested, there is no reason why the Taliban need to explode two boms and kill 25 people, while wounding almost 100.  It makes perfect sense that they would be mad because the operatives were arrested, but they just took it too far.  It's not like the bombings will change much.  Violence will only tighten the grip on the al-Qaeda operatives, not lead to their release. The one thing that i dont get is why the Taliban did it.  What did they gain from the bombings?  In my opinion, they should of at least tried to bargain with the people who arrested the operatives and threatened to bomb is the operatives were not released.  I guess now people know the consequences if more operatives are arrested.
     In the future, the Taliban could use these attacks as leverage in another situation.  Suicide bombers can easily blend into the community.  The Taliban can then treaten to blow up the bombs if they cant get what they want.  This is the only logical reason i see for these two bombings.

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