Monday, September 12, 2011

[RE] Where Would You Hide It?

This quote from Steven's blog caught my eye
So the other day as I was flipping through channels on my television, I came across this  show where it is a money game. I think this was how the game was played hide the money and not let the cops find it.
     I watch this show.  It's called Take the Money and Run, and it has become one of my favorite shows lately.  But, first of all, the contestants only hide 100,000 dollars, not one million.  Although I do not think I've seen the episode you were describing about the case getting stuck in the crack, I have seen just about every other episode of the first season.  I agree that it is very interesting how the game works.  There are two professional interigators that work for the show and help the detectives who try to find the case.  The interigators never change, but the detectives are different for each city.  Personally, I don't like the interigators because they are really mean and lie a lot.  Plus they use the same tactics every episode which makes the show somewhat boring. 
     The most interesting aspect of the show is variety.  Each episode showcases a different pair of contestants, each with their own unique ideas of how to hide the case with 100,000 dollars in it.  Some of the contestants were brothers, spouses, best friends, and a father daughter pair.  The hiding spots included in a bush, under woodchips, and in a friend's house.  As Steven said,  the contestants are treated like real criminals.  This is one of the main factors that decides if the contestants win or not.  Each pair copes with the situation is different ways.  Being all alone for 48 hours except for two interigators trying to break you, can take a big toll on your body.  One team actually quit in the middle of the game because the pressure was too much.  All in all, this is a great show and i suggest you watch it.  I cant wait for the next season.

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