Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[Free] A Dream Deferred

A Dream Deferred
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
     Instead of a free post this week, we are to write about what happens to a dream that is deferred, or put to the side.  I believe that a dream deferred stinks like rotten meat that you can't get rid of.  Let's say that this stink is in your house and it stays there forever. You can still go throughout your life without any problems, but the smell will never go away.  It will always constantly be there and remind you of that dream,and how you never achieved it.
     For example, one of the most sought after dreams in the entire world is to become a sports star.  However, this is one of the hardest goals to accomplish.  Let's take Bob as an example.  Bob grew up around football, and he loved to play.  Bob got really good and even got a partial scholarship to play at college.  Unfortunately, Bob never got drafted to the NFL.  His dream has failed.  Bob becomes a banker and it pays well so he decides to stay with it for a while. Bob is happy, but he still remembers how he could not achieve his true dream.  Every time he watches football on tv or talks about it with his friends, it reminds him of how he couldn't make it to the big time.  Bob's dream of becoming a professional football star will never be forgotten.  A dream deferred never goes away.  It will stay with you forever, deep down in your heart.

[RE] Boring?

I found this quote from Peter's Blog.
Everyone always says that Alameda is hella boring.
    I agree to this quote to a full extent. I like Alameda. I think it's a nice small city, but has all the essential things like grocery stores, and restaurants and things like that.  I agree with Peter when he says that Alameda is very relaxing and it's good that everyone knows each other here.  Also, Peter states "I for sure would consider coming back here when I have a family. I think Alameda is a really nice place to live with a family."  When I grow up, I want to travel around the country and experience the lifestyles of other states.  However, when I settle down with someone and want to start a family, Alameda seems like a great place to do so.  It is a great little community.
     Towards the end of his posts, Peter says the one bad thing about all of this, "Alameda is hella expensive."  This is so true.  I feel that there is not much that you can do in Alameda if you don't have money.  There are some public places like parks and beaches, but that is not enough.  Every major attraction in Alameda requires spending money.  One of the places that make the most money is the Alameda Theatre.  It is very expensive.  It is like eight dollars for matinee, eleven dollars for a normal ticket, and thirteen dollars if you want to see a movie in 3-D.  The restaurants around Park Street also make a lot.  Some of them have student lunch discounts, but their prices are normally unaffordable for the average high school student.  Alameda is great, but not easily affordable.

[CE] Quake

I just found this interesting news story.
Hundreds more feared dead after quake strikes the eastern Van province, causing buildings to collapse.
     An earthquake with a 7.2 magnitude hit Eastern Turkey.  It is estimated that around two hundred people died or were injured because of it.  Almost fifty buildings collapsed in the cities of Van and Ercis.  Helicopters were dispatched to scout out the remote villages in the area. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the village of Tabanli.  Rescuers worked hard to rescue everyone who was trapped.  Some families even tried to dig out their loved ones with their bare hands.  In Van, it is said that at least fifty people had to be taken to the hospital.  In Ercis, an entire dormitory fell because it was standing on a geological fault line.  There were also a few aftershocks after the initial earthquake.
     This story is very relevant to me. Living in California, there is always the danger of an earthquake going off at anytime.  Alameda is pretty close to the San Andreas Fault, where a lot of earthquakes occur.  Just last Friday, two earthquakes happened in one day.  They went off only about six hours apart.  My dad said that many small earthquakes is a sign that a very big one is on its way soon.  I really feel bad for the people in that area of Turkey.  I can't imagine what I would do if an earthquake that strong went of near me.  Knowing that an entire dormitory could be taken down from an earthquake really scares me.  Most of the day, I am in school, so if an earthquake did go off, I would most likely be in school, so I hope it's sturdy enough.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[Free] TBBT

     I just started watching The Big Bang Theory.  In my opinion, it is a great show.  The Big Bang Theory is a comedy series which showcases the lives of four physicist, and a girl who live across the hall from two of them.  The main focus of the show is Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter.  Sheldon is one of the most briliant minds of the 21st century.  He knows everything there is to know about science.  He constantly corrects everyone and goes into way too much depth whenever anyone asks him a question.  Sheldon has super OCD or something like that.  He always gets super angry and starts twitching whenever he doesn't get his way. 
But the most significant thing is the love for his spot.  Sheldon never lets anyone sit in his spot.  It is his one unchanging aspect in a universe that is constantly changing.  In the show, Sheldon states, "  In the winter that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion."  Also, Sheldon pretty much has to emotions. Although curious, Sheldon has no intentions of having sexual relations with anyone, or what he calls, coitus.  Sheldon is my favorite character because he is so funny.
Well that was a lot about Sheldon...stay tuned for more on tbbt.


This is a nice post from David's Blog.
One show that was really amazing, but stop airing was a show called: Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide.
     This was one of my favorite shows as a kid and I'm really sad that they canceled it.  I think I have seen every episode they made for this show.  Ned Bigby, the main character, gives all of us kids helpful tips on how to survive school.  His two best friends are Jennifer "Moze" Mosely and Simon Nelson Cook "Cookie".  They go to James K. Polk Middle School.  It is kind of a fantasy school where crazy antics occur every day.  I one hundred percent agree with David when he states, "This show is very weird."  One of their friends is the Janitor, Gordy.  He spends all day streaming videos or trying to catch a pesky weasel.  This show also incorporates all of the middle school/ high school stereotypes. There are two main bullies.  Loomer and his two buddies, who harass Ned and Cookie every day, and the Huge Crew, who terrorize everyone.  Then there is Suzie Crabgrass, the sports star, most popular girl who Ned is desperately in love with.
     I can't believe they canceled this show.  From what I know, it was pretty succesful in its three seasons.  I guess the most logical reason is that the actors were getting too old.  The show's last season was when they were in eighth grade,so it would probably be hard to transition into high school.  This show was different from most other shows during the time.  I could really connect to it because it was all about school.  I loved all the tips that Ned gave us.  He had some very useful ones such as lockers and procrastination, but also some goofy ones like April Fool's Day and dodgeball.  Maybe there will be another show like this in the future.

[CE] Crash

This is an interesting news story.
     Former champion from UK dies from his injuries during a massive 15-car pile-up during Las Vegas Indy 300 race.
     A fifteen car pile up?  I have never heard of anything like that.  Dan Wheldon's car was sent up another car and hit the catch fence that protects the crowd.  Wheldon was only thirty three, and he previously was a series champion and won the Indy 500 in 2005.  Three other drivers were also injured during the crash.  Wheldon did not immediately die from the accident.  He was quickly airlifted to University Medical Centre, but his injuries were two severe.  He died about two hours later.  After hearing of Wheldon's death,  all the other drivers took a commemorable five laps around the track in his honor.  People say that this crash was like a scene out of a movie.  Parts of cars were found nearly halfway down the straightway of the track.  Danica Patrick, a famous driver, said, "It was like a movie scene which they try to make as gnarly as possible.''  Another said that it looked like a scene from a Terminator movie.
      Dan Wheldon was a legend.  It was a horrendous loss for IndyCar racing.  Driving is a very dangerous sport.  The cars are always so close together and one false move or slip, can easily cause an accident like the one that killed Dan Wheldon.  I'm very sad that Wheldon died, but im glad they did the five laps in honor of him.  But, it says in the article that the driviers had to manuver through the debris on the next lap.  So did they continue the race?  Because that would be pretty messed up.  I dont know the rules of racing, but when something like this happens, everyone should stop immediately.  I hope nothing like this ever happens again.

Friday, October 14, 2011

[CE] Hero or Villain?

This is an interesting news story.
At least eight people killed in hair salon near Los Angeles by man described as a former member of the armed forces.
     A man walks in a Seal Beach hair salon and opens fire on everyone in the salon.  Eight people were killed and others were injured.  This man is said to formally be part of the US armed forces.  Fortunately, the suspect, a forty two year old man, was apprehended by the authorities a few miles from the salon.  The local media reports say that the man was carrying multiple weapons and wearing full body armour when he attacked.  A witness said the man told the police he had rifles in his car and a knife in each of his pockets.  People believe that the reason for the murders is that the killer was in the middle of a custody battle with his former wife.  According to colleagues, the wife was an emplyee in the salon.  Sergeant Bteve Bowles from the Seal Beach Police Department states "We do feel confident at this point that we do have the single and only suspect in custody."
     I am always so sad to hear stories like these.  I don't see why so many innocent people always have to die.  What was wrong with this guy?  I mean, he was in the armed forces.  These people are supposed to be the heroes of our country.  The most respectable people there are.  But not this man.  He is a straight up villain.  Furthermore, this shooting was completely illogical.  The report does not say if he actually killed his ex wife or not, but what would that even accomplish?  He is going to go to jail so he won't get custody of his child.  All this man did was guarantee the custody to the ex wife.